Stand-Up Comedy
I started performing Stand-Up Comedy in 2019. I founded the Stand-Up Comedy branch of my college comedy club, Ridiculum. I ran weekly meetings with club members, workshopping material, editing their work, and ensuring that their comedy promotes their voice. I am self-taught through performances, literature, and research. I believe that comedy is not just about being funny, but about being relatable and celebrating the comedian's personal experiences, while also having the ability to share poignant thoughts about life. As Chief Editor of Stand-Up Comedy in Ridiculum, I worked with other aspiring comedians who have vastly different styles of comedy. My success in that position came from my ability to write in someone else's voice and style, and I believe I improved my ability to do that through other projects like Don't Start A Podcast.
I have performed on Villanova's campus many times, including a feature role in Villanova's Annual Day of Giving Live Stream, which was aired to thousands of alumni. I also performed at other local Philadelphia colleges like Drexel University.
I have performed at multiple venues in New York City including Gotham Comedy Club and Greenwich Village Comedy Club.
I continue to write and perform and am always improving my comedy and expanding my brand, and I would love to perform for you in your venue!